I'm not gonna continue this blog because I feel invaded. You can keep pretending like you don't know about my link, I can keep up with your games. To me, to be free or busy is a choice. I'm busy, I choose to ignore. Get the idea? I went out with my friends anyway. Am I busy? Or I'm just busy when it comes to you? No one in this world can be busy up to the point they can't even reply messages. Do you get the idea? Think it tru. Think hard. Think back.
I unfollowed you, deleted you for a reason: I don't wanna see your name anymore. Despite which kind of relationship, therapist patient relationship, hate hate relationship. I don't care. I made my decision, which is to completely cut any ties with you. I'm officially deleting you off from my life. Sorry for the fuss. Sorry for being a little too harsh on the last post. Yeah it might look like you just wanna help. Thanks for the offer my answer is no. I'm going to do something about my arm, without involving you. So this is it. There's no more reason for you to be contacting me. And again, you have all the rights to befriend any of my friends.
This time, I'm telling myself to grow up and send you a message, be real, be straight, don't be like you, playing mind games like it's part of how life should be. The point: we end here. I should've did this right after last year this day. I don't know why I didn't. I was wrong. But this time I'm gonna correct it.
Please just cooperate this once, let's not talk to each other anymore, okay? I don't wanna block you. I really don't. Talk to me again, and I will, I swear.
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