Third week of college, our bio lecturer gave us a little test on the first chapter. Well I thought it's going to be testing on very detailed stuff like differences between TEM and SEM or miscroscope stuff, or.... size of organelles. And the previous day I was studying Chem till midnight (I have no choice, can't go to class without revision/studying cuz the lecturer is scaryyy).
And then the little test turned out to be fucking easy.
Well I think it's getting more detailed. :3 (I mean Chemistry.)
Detailed is good. Kinda think, why tf didn't highschool let us learn all these, it's necessary! Feels so damn good to actually understand things more deeply, than just stuffing the outer image of concepts. Cuz now we really go into it, uuughh I can't explain.
Maybe it's the highschool teachers. I never felt like hey why is this happening, I wanna know the theory, blahblah.. I used to just stuff these things and never bothered about the theory, never had the urge to find out why.
I guess really learning is what made life more livable.
I have a new aim: I wanna know chemistry. :3 (oh gosh this sounds so impossible to achieve)
OK I guess I never mentioned much about other subjects. Maybe because there's five hours of each sciences but just around two hours of other subjects in each week.
Ok bye.
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