
Saturday, 9 July 2016


People always hate the slim ones saying "I look fat in this," and sometimes, they don't have the rights to say that. Who knows, how much the they've been working out for that body? Who knows how terrible the food depriving process went? And all these people only see that they're insulting them not so slim ones.

If you don't think you're fat, you will never start the losing weight journey.

Well we worked hard. Very fucking hard to reach whatever level we're at. And if sometimes we lose control, we have the rights to think that we're gaining weight again.

And if you're not working hard to lose all that fats, don't be sad when you look into the mirror everyday and see no improvement. You deserve that. Just a fact. If you've done no shit to become fit, accept your body and stop being butthurt over people commenting bout their own.

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