
Monday, 27 August 2018

Every shit phrase exists for a reason. Sorry means nothing. Sorry doesn't fix anything. If you were irresponsible for just ten minutes as a fucking photographer, you miss our performances of little boys who just got their first performing experience. You're the idiot drunk driving and you're the one ruining newly married couples' future. You were an asshole and you'd ruin faith in a girl just because you were her first. One fucking irresponsible sentence, I can control, and you cause people to get an abortion. You think you can be responsible for half of what it costs? You will never really know how much it costed.

Sorry I'm confusing things. I'm mixing up what's happened to me and to miserable peeps from the news. What's with me. Curryan high fived with me, saying heard you just broke up.

Doesn't feel like I just broke up. Maybe we were together for such a short period it doesn't even feel like we were together. Such disgusting memory. She said, you look natural and unrestrained. Yes I am. I have no words for it. I probably died a little. Pls, not because of the break up. I never shed any tear from breaking up with that douche. Ew pls don't remind me.

It's really uncomfortable when they remind me. Recently when I went out with college mates, that happened too. They have no idea how much hatred I have towards guys rn. I mean. I can talk shit and stuff with guys, it's comfortable. But without all the shit imaginations. I think I'm so done. It's a good thing I'm getting more and more isolated from people. As far as I know, guys will have dirty thoughts. They confess without any reason, then get you into trouble. They like to play games. I think it's time we payback.

Maybe girls who play hearts have this kind of mindset. If guys just want to fuck, why should girls put any heart into yhese kinds of nonsense? Guys like games. Girls, let's play.

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