
Saturday, 6 February 2016

Alevels Notes

Have you ever tried doing notes, making everything so easily understandable, and easy to revise, then some days, you just lose the determination, leaving your precious notes stopped at certain chapter?

I tried to do that for chem, last year. And yup and I stopped, because I should've started two years ago, not just last year. It was a little too late.

Anyways I'm doing it for pre u. Sometimes I think it's still so brief. And some are still lies. Example, it says there's two types of inhibitors. Competitive and non competitive. It says the ones that bind to the allosteric site of enzyme, causing distortion of enzyme,, it's non competitive. What, why? Is this a lie, or it's actually counted as non competitive? Clearly they're fighting to bind first. Different sites doesn't make them not competing, right? ..

For chemistry, so far. Hope none are lies. Sincerely. Been trying to find that old notes. I think I lost it, somewhere.


I don't get how I misplace notes like that. Ugh.
Let's hope I don't stop in the middle. Fuck off, emotions.

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