
Friday, 25 November 2016


I gotta type. Ahaha.

It's been so long since the last time I drove my mom's car. It's dark. It's night. I fucking drove. It's scary that my neighbor's vios was just parking right opposite. With dad's car obstructing my exit, I spent quite some time trying to reverse that small ass out. Still nervous and pekcek. No cars scratched. Everything ok. I was blur about the location, but we got there. Then I was nervous just knowing how awkward it would be.

He didn't exactly invited me crazily, but he sounded like he'd be so happy if I go, so I went.

I remember there was once, mom invited us, the whole family to join her and her friends in this marathon. We attended. My sister was freaking unhappy the whole time. I actually asked her to accompany me, so she did. I kinda thought it's my responsibility to keep her happy. After awhile, I realized my sister was pissed because mom neglected us and spent more time with her friends.

I came to be supportive for Moon's event, even tho I know he's the busiest there. Ohgosh. Yes it was awkward. That's probably the main reason I sweat so much on the way. I was nervous. I knew I was gonna be in a crowd and stand there like a mute. Honestly it's scary. I'm gonna admit how uncomfortable it is being alone in a crowd. I'm typing this, at this hour, currently sitting on a swing. Swings are awesome. Chilling alone is awesome too, sad thing I left my earphones somewhere far away. But I'm alone enough to play music here. Finally stopped sweating, and I'm actually cold! Lol. Such rare thing to feel in a field.

Go on and conduct your event, I'm going to be ok here. I'm gonna believe that you probably forgotten that I came. It's actually better since you're the kind of person that'd feel guilty leaving me alone. I came to help. So please, at the end of the day, you don't need to apologize. Thank you will do. :3 It's what friends do. I'll just take the time to relax.

It wasn't so bad, I think. When it ended, I thought Idk how to help out, and I tried making use of my OCD. Moving stuff is so much easier. At least I know I'm not going to become troublesome there, and I was surely helpful. Some habit of mine insisting one way trips no matter how heavy the groceries are. He was kinda busy. I'm just gonna pull out my phone whenever it's awkward. Uhh. It was alot of stuff. I have no idea how to start.

After the moving, they did the sorting while I waited with a guy in the car. So we had a short conversation. Such a talkative person.

I came here to help, because of some sad faces, and because he always helped me.
He's too kind that he's gonna help everyone but neglect himself. We all are so busy, I'm worried abt my project and I'm worried abt his too.
I agree on that so badly. That's why I came.

That's a nice friend. To think of it, I actually have friends like that too. Shell and stomata actually gasped and told me pls don't go for badminton for the sake of AS results. Aw. Fully appreciated rn.

The last task was the washing. I think it's ok. Usually I'd drag and drag. I know I still gotta finish the job at the end of the day, but I'm just so fucking lazy. Sorry. I'm born this way. We ate a little of the left overs then started it.

I had strong urge to splash you. No kidding.

Idk whether I was helpful enough or not. I wish I was, however. I'll always be ready to help as long as I have the ability to. It's better than sitting there imagining how tired you are and feel useless af.

:D It's good that you enjoyed it. Sometimes, the organizers don't get to enjoy. During the freaking birthday, stressing out because of sudden changes in plans just because of insufficient communication between the organizers. Gosh that was a disaster. Anyways just good for you.

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