
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Inti BC

A new squad coming up.

Inti badminton club time is from 6-9 on some weekdays. I used to be really on time. Once I stayed back late, I started to play with the committees. The committees only play after 9 when they're off duty. So I stay with them. Well there's Not many. Just three committees, and some others that enjoy staying too.

I wrongfully judged the club committees. They don't just elect their close friends. These people do their work. They have passion and responsibility for what they do. The president, swimming, some people call him TCM. Lmao. I prefer calling him Jon snow but of course the actual jon snow is fucking hot, incomparable. VP, they guy with grey hair I still dk how to name him yet, don't know him too well. Menshoe as the secretary. She can't play well, but she's improving, and she's Willing to learn. Good girl. Then lastly YS. This one reminds me of loong. He plays super well, he can take any shots. Why he reminds me of loong? He's the cool cool type, but reveals his little inner personalities super occasionally. Play so well, but humble af. I like him.

So usually I'd partner jon snow, menshoe would partner ys. It's pretty much balanced, since menshoe is improving, with such pro partner, while jon snow wasn't that skilled, and me my arm this terrible condition.

It's a weird combination. Sometimes there'd be others. Idk how to name them yet.

Sonchow is a little arrogant kid. Okay he's just a year younger. You'd be happy to get his compliments, but oh gosh. He's mad. I secretly told him that I think ys is reaaaally good, then he went to challenge him, of course, lost all of them. I should've agreed to bet.

Ys said it's fine, because he never played singles for a really long time. It surprised me when he said, sonchow could've won, because of his skills and all, plus he said he's not a single player. Could see.

It's a funny thing, that we never asked each other's names, but we know. We all have our ways. When there's a will.

I didn't get to add crisp back, tho.
He probably noticed, and accidentally pressed add friend. It's not a normal thing to do, if someone removed you, do you have the pride to send a new friend request? Males will never have. It's not crisp's fault I removed him. Guess I'll always feel sorry that I never explained to him.

I'll have new squads. But I'll never forget the old ones.

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