
Sunday, 2 September 2018

Idk how they always relate topic to my exes.

Just because it was salty fishguy's birthday, sis mentioned I made failed cream puff. Yes, I made it for my first for his birthday. He still said it was delicious, even tho I know, he was trying to make me feel better. According to his high standard taste buds, he'd never think that was delicious. He was really sweet tho. Haha. Seng asked, when was that ex an ex. I said, about five months back.

Then they be like huh? I thought you were still with him not long ago. And I'd have to say, that's the next one. Not current, ex too. Why? Because he's old and he's heartless. I can't satisfy him. Is that the best way to phrase it? Then they'd be like, how old? Oh that age, is normal to be hamsap.

Then seng starts asking. How do you know a 28 year old guy? And it goes back to, due to badminton.

Ish. Why.

Everyone's sweet when they don't know you. They'd be polite. They'd concern for a stranger more than... a close friend.

I've had eye issues. But I never ffk. So I go to wherever planned. But the eyes made me wear shades to literally everywhere. And when I didn't wear, they'd ask me. Why are your eyes so red. I'd say, I haven't check it out yet but it's been like this for awhile. And they be like oh let us arrange someone to drive you all. And it was pretty sweet.

Con even asked me to snap a photo of the contacts I wear so that he can ask his friend whether if it's safe or not.

I don't even think I know guys. They can act like they're super caring and generous. At the end, it's all just a show.

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