
Sunday, 16 September 2018

I know that crisp doesn't hate me. Doctor doesn't hate me. Gold probably doesn't. Pooh definitely had no clue what happened. Crisps wife. Mic, and his girl wouldn't have any clue. Maybe ET didn't even tell the boys anything. It was a slight misunderstanding. I'm pretty sure loong knows something. Pan knows something. ET is a straightforward guy. You ask, and he will tell. He will tell at least 60% of the story without hiding. Ahchoo knows a little but he doesn't give any fucks.

I removed them all from fb. Except Loong and doc.

I'm sorry. I know crisp will find me. Ahchoo will find me. They'll find me for baddy, not knowing what truly happened. And when they find me, they will notice. YH removed them from fb. Why? They'd notice, the last remaining mutual friends are loong and doc. Not even ET. I blocked ET.

"Wow, aggressive."
I remember some shitty person once complained I'm not aggressive. I hope that person rots in hell, get shredded into pieces in hell. I hope that person doesn't reborn for eternity. Such pollution.

After yesterday I've noticed. It is a damn big deal to me. I can't see their names, I can't even bear the fact knowing that they would see my name. We can just have a complete clean cut. I know loong, he loves ET. He would trust him completely, and judge me, so he won't even bother to find me anymore. Doctor might, but what for? As long as I hide myself, he won't find me. I'm thankful to him, so I won't change the way he's treated. Anyone else, I'm done.

I guess, I give up on all of them, entirely. I'm sorry crisp, when you notice. I'm sorry, if pooh, mic and your girl, if you notice. I'm sorry gold. I admire you, a lot, as a friend. The wisest of them all, but who knows? You could be fake too. But that's good enough. I have my reasons, and none of you will understand. Fuck it, I'll be the bad guy. Think of it as I'm a traitor who suddenly wants to cut off contact for no reason. Don't remember me because I'm nothing.

Tear the page out like we never even happened, as if it wasn't hard for you people.

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