
Sunday, 7 October 2018


Tofay I tried to lift my arm. I literally cried. I can't lift it. What's the use ? People aren't gonna believe me isn't it?

My standard is good for someone who's not representing uni or state or anything. My standard is good for a female badminton addict. And I'm going to play a lot this weekend despite how bad my arm is. Despite I couldn't lift it. And I'll rest for a couple of days, then there goes the competition.

I'm going to aim for a champion, especially for single. A category that depends fully on my performance. I wanna prove myself, my efforts pay. I want to know that all these training aren't for nothing, and I'm not as hopeless as he described. Yes his words doesn't mean anything. Coaches are supposed to find the weakness and target on it. Coaches aren't to praise.

What if I can't get my champion due to my arm?

I don't know. It's the worst when I first stroke. It feels worst when I start to warm up. How am I gonna go tru that shit?

Train more. People say, train more. I train, but my arm screams. After this competition, am I going to stop badminton forever? Or stop lobbing and smashing forever? Train my nets to be fucking perfect.

I used to think I have no consistency. I told my coach that I have an upcoming competition, and I can't lob. He was nice to me. He trained us on all the skills I need. 90% was on drops. Drops are my thing. It's how I win. And today when I dropped forehand, it was perfect. When I overhead dropped, I couldn't get a 20 streak. It basically means, I really need to work on overhead drops. It also means, once I'm good with one thing, I will maintain that. I dropped without mistakes for forehand drops. It's pretty cool.

When I trained with the twins, I almost thought, why am I so bad at this? Why do I make mistakes all the time? Maybe it's their problem. Maybe it's mine. But now I know how to overcome that. Makes me really happy. Haha.

Remember. Even if I can't lob and smash, I still can drop and net beautifully. I still can badminton, don't worry. Don't worry. It's sufficient. I can tap too, since that uses the wrist. I'm fine. I can badminton.

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