
Saturday, 13 October 2018

I thought it was jj from jws. The alcoholic guu who doesn't sleep. He literally texted me WIN OR LOSE at 2am midnight. I was already on bed, but I had to pee. So I went to my phone. It's the worst decision, gave me insomnia.

I don't love him anymore, but his messages was too unexpected. Made my entire body shake. I guess I really needed sleep. It was already odd for him to be up at that time.

I'm not like him, so I will reply properly, unless he pisses me off. I'm not like him, so I won't be an asshole like how he did.

But I definitely clearly told him that we should stay uncontacted. I shooed him.

There's that supee annoying one person who kept updating him about the comp. I wish I know who. Fucking annoying. Not Hujung, shandy's st john friend. Probably not ys, he's not like that, please I believe he's not like that. Then who? Idk. Fuck it.

He came with some breaking news tho.
His arm is currently probably just like mine. Maybe worse, cuz he can't smash, I can. I can lob too, just with pain. Poor thing. It's probably karma. Maybe that's how life works. When your love life got fucked up in the wrong way, you lose something important too.

My arm became like this after the first time we broke up.
His arm became like this after the second time we broke up.
It's a curse, nothing can be done. We're all badminton lovers, so our good arm is taken from us, as a punishment.

I felt bad. But I can't help it. He said he was gonna rejoin training if his arm was still good. I don't think he should come back at all. Such a prick.

Joining three categories, what were you thinking?

I was thinking, I was looked down on. I was told to be given up by everyone. I was told my level stays there and I will never improve. I was told, I was nothing. I want to win something. I want to prove to myself, I'm better than that, and you're just a fucktard with full of bullcrap. You think you know everything, but too bad, only kids do that.

This is the last time I'm replying.

I wish he gets all the worst comebacks, but get his arm back. I wish he fails in everything, but still able to baddy.

What is life without baddy? Nothing.

What is wrong with me? Mind your own shit.

We both want each other's arm to be fixed.

After three years of shit I decided to unmute my phone, cuz I stopped wanting your special notifications to pop up, cuz I guess I should start to treat everyone else better and not punish them because of you. And you popped up again? Making me want to mute them because I don't want to be bothered???
Two totally different reasons, same actions.
Fuck you.

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